Well, as I write this post, I am in bed, recovering from my SECOND stomach virus in as many weeks. I guess I am just lucky like that. I started feeling bad yesterday after lunch, and it just went down hill from there. Thanks so very much to our wonderful family, my mom came over and took care of Haley last night, as Ethan was out securing food for us for the coming year :). This morning, Ethan had to be at the Fire Station early, so Aunt Rah stepped up and came and got Haley and took her to daycare for us. Tonight, Mom picked up Haley from daycare and took care of her until she went to bed. We are VERY thankful to both of them, and hope that this will be the last bout of stomach issues this house sees!
I was able to snap a few good pictures of Haley this weekend, and thought I would share. The first picture, she is sitting in her little chair, "talking" on my phone. Ethan says she learned to do that because that is ALL she sees me do, but I beg to differ :) The second picture was just cute (I thought) so I had to share :)
The last picture is of Haley in her snow suit on Sunday. It was cold, so I bundled her up to take her for a walk. She was toasty, I on the other hand was not. It was a short walk, but I thought she sure looked cute dressed like that. Too bad we don't have REAL snow for her to have to wear it in! Thanks to our good buddies Meg & Liza Bair for sending us that :)
Ok, guess that is all for now. Will be sure to disinfect the computer before I put it up. Hope everyone else is well :)

i love her chair! where did you get that one from? i SOOOO want to do what her shirt says and just hug and squish her. she's all smiles these days it looks like! hope you feel better soon. love you lots and lots! ;)
A friend of ours bought that for her after Christmas. He is in the textile industry, and came into the bank one day and said he'd bought her a chair. Anyway, Ethan picked it up and she LOVES it! It's very fun for her to climb in and out of. Guess it's a good thing we DIDN'T get her a Nod Chair afterall huh! Thanks for the well wishes....I hope so too!
Oh! The shirt is a onsie from Carters, came in a 5 pack, Ethan's mom bought them for her :)
I loved all 3 pics! The phone one is too adorable for words. Haley just makes me want to squish and hug her for sure. And how darn cute she is in her snow suit. Now I definitely want to send some snow your way :) I wonder if Fed Ex would deliver it.
Hope you are feeling better. *big hugs*
My precious pumpkin,you look so cute! In no time at all, we will talking to each other on the phone! Memaw and Pepaw love you so much. We will see you very soon - when you come to the coast. Be a good girl (as you always are).
She looks like her legs are sticking straight out because the suit won't let her bend! So funny.
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