Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Stomach Virus....
Well, as I write this post, I am in bed, recovering from my SECOND stomach virus in as many weeks. I guess I am just lucky like that. I started feeling bad yesterday after lunch, and it just went down hill from there. Thanks so very much to our wonderful family, my mom came over and took care of Haley last night, as Ethan was out securing food for us for the coming year :). This morning, Ethan had to be at the Fire Station early, so Aunt Rah stepped up and came and got Haley and took her to daycare for us. Tonight, Mom picked up Haley from daycare and took care of her until she went to bed. We are VERY thankful to both of them, and hope that this will be the last bout of stomach issues this house sees!
I was able to snap a few good pictures of Haley this weekend, and thought I would share. The first picture, she is sitting in her little chair, "talking" on my phone. Ethan says she learned to do that because that is ALL she sees me do, but I beg to differ :) The second picture was just cute (I thought) so I had to share :)
The last picture is of Haley in her snow suit on Sunday. It was cold, so I bundled her up to take her for a walk. She was toasty, I on the other hand was not. It was a short walk, but I thought she sure looked cute dressed like that. Too bad we don't have REAL snow for her to have to wear it in! Thanks to our good buddies Meg & Liza Bair for sending us that :)
Ok, guess that is all for now. Will be sure to disinfect the computer before I put it up. Hope everyone else is well :)
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
A little Nostalgia
As I have shared, we lost my dear grandmother on New Years day. I remind you of this to give a little background for the pictures in this post. When I was a baby (nearly 30 LONG years ago) my Grandma Hollis hand sewed me a beautiful dress. My daddy took a picture of me in it, and it is by far one of my favorite pictures of myself. I know that sounds very vein, but the picture reminds me of her love for me.
When I was about to give birth to Haley, mom brought over a bag full of blankets and such that were mine when I was a baby. Now remember, no one knew what we were having, other than Ginger, the nurse at the Doctors office who did the ultrasound, and she was sworn to secrecy. Anyway, included in this bag of stuff was this dress. Mom had kept it all this time, and even though she was SURE that Haley was a boy, she figured it was time for me to hang on to it instead of her.
Little did I know how special it would be to me to put Haley in this dress, and try and recreate this picture.
So, enough of the background are the pictures
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
So, Haley L O V E S the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, it is the only show she'll stop what she is doing to watch. Her FAVORITE part is the end, the HOT DOG DANCE. Well, this morning I was in here doing some things and the TV was on the MMC. The song came on and she sprang into action. Enjoy! (Sorry the video is on it's side, I'll learn one of these days!)
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Catching up....
In this post Haley is 1 year and 28 days old:
Well, I must say that January hasn't been a good month for posting. Here we are on the 15th day of the new year and I am just now sitting down to write a post. I apoligize, life has been busy, and I haven't taken the time I should to update you all.
We started the new year on a sad note. On New Years Day, my Grandmother Sarah Virginia Hollis passed away at the age of 85 years of age. She had been in poor health for some time, but her death was somewhat unexpected. Ethan, Haley and I were planning to leave for NC for Elijah's birthday on New Years eve, but due to Grandma taking a turn for the worst, we elected to leave a day early. We got to Greenville, SC on New Years Eve, and I was able to see her, and tell her how much we loved her. She passed away the next day. She will be very much missed, but there is no doubt that she is in Heaven, and celebrating meeting The Lord!
Our visit to the mountains was not as exciting as we'd hoped, but we did celebrate Elijah's birthday, and go to Ethan's parents cabin in TN. It has really come a long way, and we look forward to vacationing over there!
Haley has been really blossoming these past few weeks. She is "talking" non stop, but we are having to try and figure out what she is saying! She got her last round of shots until Kindergarten this past Friday, and I am not sure if it was harder on her or me! I'm just glad it's over!
Ethan and I are doing well, trying to stay warm in this cold weather we are having! Our dear friends Stuart and Sarah are expecting their second child next Friday, and we are really looking forward to a trip to the coast next month to meet little Miss Paige! We know Pressley is going to be a great big sister, and can't wait to see the whole family!
I'll make a slideshow of the pictures we have been taking, and post that soon! Until then, check out the video below and you can see exactly what Haley has been up to!