Haley is feeling MUCH better today, and she spent the day with Grammy! She woke up without a fever at all, and as I type this, she has made her way into the computer room with her walker. Man is she growing too fast! Like a WEED I tell you!!!
Last night, before her bath we had stripped her to her diaper becuase she had food on her clothes. We came in here to work on something, and she was playing at her karoke machine. When we walked back into the living room, this is what we found:

OMG, she is SOOOOO your daughter! She's gonna be talkin' everyone's ear off before you know it! Love the photo of her pulling up! She look so skinny in that pic, it must be because she grew and extra inch! :)
She is so cute. Those precious cheeks are adorable. Liza has the exact same top - twins!
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