In this post Haley is 9 months and 26 days old:This past weekend, we had the pleasure of a visit from my brother Rocky, his wife Debbie and their son, Elijah. It was a very much anticipated visit (Debbie had a countdown going at 100 days) and unfortunately it passed two fast!!!
Saturday morning, we got up and all went to breakfast at Emileigh's Table in Taylor, MS. It was good but I reccomend going early if you want a lot of food! We were late and almost missed breakfast. We then toured the Southern Living Idea House and looked around the Taylor Farmers Market. It was really neat, and I FORGOT MY CAMERA!!!
Saturday night, Mom and Dad took the Grandkids, and Ethan, Rocky, Debbie & I all went out to supper. It was so much fun, we got to laugh and joke, and not have to worry about our kids. We are SUCH party animals, we were home in bed by 10!!! Guess we really ARE getting old!
Sunday, we got up and all went to church with Mom and Dad in Olive Branch. Their church has moved into a nice new building and we enjoyed getting to see it and say hello to everyone. After Chruch Dad took us all to a nice resturant in Collierville, and we had a great meal. That evening, everyone came to our house, and Ethan prepared a wonderful meal of Pork, Sweet Potatoes, and grilled asparagus. Needless to say we were stuffed! Mom, Debbie, Ethan and I played dominos, while Rocky & Dad watched a movie. It was good ol family fun! OH I almost forgot, we also made a fire in the fire pit and all got to Roast marshmellows. Elijah thought that was pretty cool!
Yesterday, we decided to kind of take it easy. I went and got Rocky and Elijah and took them to get Elijah' hair cut. He and Haley had their pictures made yesterday afternoon, so they wanted to get him a trim :) We then took Rocky home, got Debbie, and then went to get Haley. I would tell you what we did next, but it is top secret, and so you'll just have to be surprised when other who read this blog are suprised :)
Rocky, Dad & Ethan worked on the house yesterday, and Dad cooked some AWESOME ribs for us to eat last night. I finally remembered that I needed "blog pictures" so I got Dad's camera and took these. We had a great time, it is ALWAYS hard to watch them go home, as we miss them dearly. I am just thankful that we can travel and see one another as often as we do :)
Hope everyone is well, Haley is doing great, growing way too fast, but really getting quite a personality. I think she says mamamamama because last night she was on her belly in the living room and she called out "MAAA MAAA MAAA MAAA" and I went to get her and she stopped. Everyone heard it, so i know that is what she was saying :) Hey, can't hurt to dream :)
Enjoy the photos!
P.S. Don't EVER try and "Move your daughters diaper in case she poops" if she is in the exersaucer. Chances are you are TOO LATE :) Take it from someone who knows :)

Ethan and Mom relaxing after a hard day's work
Grammy Haley & Elijah
Haley & Elijah
My Smiling little Angel
Pappaw relaxing after a long day

Mommy & Haley

Silly Uncle Rocky :)