Monday, August 11, 2008

Sick & Fussy Haley

In this post Haley is 7 months 24 days old

Well, I have no pictures to add to this post, becuase little miss Haley hasn't been very photogenic lately. She came down with what we believe was a "fever virus" and was out of commission on Thursday evening, until Saturday about 5 P.M. She stayed at my parents house Friday night so that Ethan and I could sleep in, but at 7 A.M. Mom called to tell me that Haley had thrown up twice. So, Ethan and I got up and went to get her. She spent most of the day Saturday just feeling puny, and then about 5, she woke up from her nap covered in sweat, so we knew the fever had broken. She played happily until bathtime, and we thought we were on the road to recovery.....we thought wrong :)

Yesterday morning, she woke up at her normal time, but she wasn't overly happy. I fed her and for some reason, she threw up her bottle. Seemed to be ok, so we just went on about our day. Well, she would go from happy for a minute, to crying, big ol alligator tears. Turns out tooth number SIX is well on its way to making an appearance, and is being quite a booger bear. SO, I might take some mad pictures tonight, just so you can see we have a normal baby, one that isn't happy ALL the time. Ethan and I are fine too, I would dare say our nerves are thin by the end of the day, but being a parent is by far the HARDEST JOB I'VE EVER LOVED!!!

Love, Susan

1 comment:

Rory Mullen said...

Boo for sick, teething little girls! :( Yay for keeping your kitchen clean! ;)