Hi Everyone! Happy Fathers Day to all of the daddy's out there reading this, hope you all had a wonderful day! We had a great weekend here in Oxford. Ethan's mom and dad came to town on Friday to celebrate Fathers Day, my 30th birthday, and most importantly just to see Haley! On Saturday, Ethan and I, along with all of our parents, went out to Enid Lake to take the boat out for a ride. We had a wonderful time boating, swimming, catching every little fish in the lake, and just visiting with one another. Aunt Rah had baby sitting duties, and she and Haley had a wonderful day together, although I am sure Rachel could have done without the TWO messy diapers :)
Speaking of dirty diapers, we are fairly sure that Haley is cutting her second tooth, and this one hasn't gone nearly as smoothly as the first. She has been quite a little pistol this weekend, but we just try and remember that it is just a day or two, and she'll be back to her happy little self.
Last night, Ethan had a 30th birthday party for me here at our house, and we had a wonderful time. Both sets of our parents were there, along with some of our closest friends, and we enjoyed eating BBQ and playing a heated game of Catch Phrase. We have yet to determine a winner, as we had to end the game before a true winner could be determined. However, I think all of the women would say we won, while the men might beg to differ! :) Needless to say, we had a great time!
Well, Haley has gone to bed, and I hear the couch calling my name. Hope everyone has a wonderful week, and I will try and keep you posted on how that tooth is coming!
Here are some pictures from the weekend :)

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