Thursday, June 26, 2008
Check us OUT!
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Story Time, 6 Month Check Up, and Stomach Virus
We got a new book from our friends Jennifer & Anna Kuhn. It is a story about Firetrucks, something dear to our hearts :). In the picture below, Ethan is reading Haley the firetruck story, in the rocking chair given to us by his parents. This is the rocker that Ethan's mom rocked him in when he was a baby. What a neat thing for him to be able to share with Haley!

Monday, June 16, 2008
Another Tooth
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Fathers Day/Susan's 30th Bday Party
Speaking of dirty diapers, we are fairly sure that Haley is cutting her second tooth, and this one hasn't gone nearly as smoothly as the first. She has been quite a little pistol this weekend, but we just try and remember that it is just a day or two, and she'll be back to her happy little self.
Well, Haley has gone to bed, and I hear the couch calling my name. Hope everyone has a wonderful week, and I will try and keep you posted on how that tooth is coming!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Monday, June 9, 2008
Haley's First TOOTH!
See it now! Just poking through, but it'll be a snaggle in no time!
As you can tell by the title, Haley's first tooth broke through her gums today. We had a feeling this was coming, as she has been chewing on her hands now for some time, but with renewed intent these past couple of days. She has handled it rather well, and has continued to sleep well. Lets hope that keeps up. Y'all have a great night!
Susan, Ethan & Haley
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Fun in the Sun
Friday, Haley spent the morning with her Grammy, and the afternoon with Meredith and Myla. Be sure to click on The Meurriers page on the top of this page, and you'll see some pictures of Haley and Myla playing. Miss Meredith got some really good pictures of Haley as well, so we'll be sure and upload them to the blog soon.
Sunday, June 1, 2008

The rest of our weekend has been good, we went out with some friends last night while Grammy and Pappaw had Haley time :) It was fun, but we were happy to see our little sweetie this morning. Hope everyone had a great weekend, and hopefully we'll have some teeth to show off soon, as we feel sure Haley has some on the way. Hope you all have a great week!
My Friend Myla
Hey Everyone, hope everyone had a great weekend. Our next door neighbors Myla and Meredith came over Saturday morning to play. It was a great time, as we always enjoy thier visit. Myla played very well with Haley, and Meredith and I can't believe that Myla was the age Haley is now, when Haley was born. Time flies. We enjoyed our visit, and are so thankful to have such wonderful neighbors as the Meurriers :)