Friday, March 14, 2008

It's the weekend!!!

It has been a wonderful week, and boy am I glad the weekend is here!!!

I got a new postion with the bank this week, I am now the Business Development Representative for the bank. I am very excited about this opportunity, I will be able to get out into the community, talk to customers, and promote the bank. Many of you know this will be something that I might struggle with, as I am so shy :) I think I'll manage though!

Haley is doing great, such a joy! She had a bit of a hiccup with the time change, and we had to tweak her schedule just a little bit, but we are back on track. Woke up this morning happy and talking, and smiled from ear to ear when I went to get her up. Makes you fall in love with her all over again when you see that smile!

I hope everyone had a good week and has a great weekend! Take care!

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