Monday, December 29, 2008
Birthday & Christmas Fun
So I know I haven't even come close to doing a good job keeping up the blog this month, but in my slight defense, things have been very busy!
Haley celebrated her first birthday on December 18, 2008. We started the day with a well baby visit to the doctor, where we found out that our baby weighs 24lbs and is 30 1/2 inches tall. In the 90th percentile on both accounts! She is VERY healthy! Dr. Molly was very happy with how well she is developing, and wasn't at all worried that she isn't walking yet. She is moving quite well, and even had the bumps on her head to prove it!
We celebrated her birthday that night with a nice red cupcake at home. Well, as you can imagine, Haley LOVED it, and had no troubles tearing into it! Aunt Rah and Uncle JJ came over to enjoy the festivities, and enjoyed the show! Also, we had visits from two very special friends! First Liza and her parents (Meghan and Brad) came by to give Haley her birthday present, and then Chloe and her parents (Amy & Sanford) did the same. They all got to watch her open her presents and enjoyed spending that time with her.
On Friday, Ethan's parents came up to celebrate her first birthday at her big party the next day! Despite the dreary weather, we had a great little party at the local fire station, filled with MORE CAKE, family, friends and some wonderful gifts! Aunt Rah made Haley a very special scrapbook of her first year of life, Memaw made her a cross stitch symbolizing her first birthday, and Pepaw made her a beautiful jewelry box, complete with music and all. So very special to get to spend time with all of our family, and we know Haley will treasure those gifts for years to come!
On Christmas day, we got up and had Christmas morning here, so Haley could see what Santa left for her. He brought her a "busy ball popper" which she wasn't sure if she should laugh or cry. She got used to it though. We then went over to Aunt Rah's house, where she, and the rest of us were showered with gifts. She got her Laugh and Learn Front door, and has had a blast playing with it!
Finally, we headed to Mom & Dad's where we got even MORE stuff, and Haley got her first Fire Truck! She is destined to be a fire person just like Daddy!
The neatest part of the day was giving the grandparents their special gift! I don't have pictures of Ethan's parents receiving theirs because we forgot our camera and it is on a different camera. But you'll notice them in the slide show. If you recall I told you a while back about a secret project we worked on when Rocky & Debbie & Elijah were visiting. Well, we got to reveal that at Christmas. We went to a local artists' studio and had Haley & Elijah's hand prints done for their grandparents at Christmas. Needless to say, all grandparents LOVED them, and I think it is something they will treasure forever!
So, I have typed a book, and I think we are caught up. We head to NC on Wednesday to visit with Rocky Debbie & Elijah, and also go see Grandma & Papa Hollis. Please keep us in your prayers for safety, as well as Ethan's family as they are headed that way to their cabin in TN.
I'll try and do better about updating, and I have made a slide show of pictures, so I didn't have to upload 31 to the blog :) Enjoy, and they are labeled for Rory's convenience :)
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
What a difference a year makes!
It's hard to believe that a year ago today it was Sunday, and Ethan and I were preparing to go to the doctor the next morning for our last prenatal visit, and to get the final instructions for my induction on Tuesday. Seems like that was just yesteryday....and it was a year ago!
We are looking forward to clebrating Haley's first year of life on Thursday. I must admit, it makes me a little sad that she has grown up so quickly, but she has been such a HUGE JOY in our lives, and I don't know what we would do without her!
She is doing so well, has 10 teeth now, and is happy most all of the time. She is starting to test Ethan and I both, but we're on the same page with how to dicipline, so we're hanging in there :)
We go to the doctor on Thursday for her 1 year checkup, and we'll be sure to post her height, weight and such! Thanks to all of you for sharing in our first year, and we hope to be able to share with you many many more!
Love Susan
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Been a slacker....
So, I have been a slacker and not posted like I've needed to, so I am going to try and catch you all up on everything that has been going on.
I have three videos to post, and will do that in a seperate post, but I thought I would give you the "written version" of our lives lately. Haley is pulling up on EVERYTHING and cruising very well. She can walk behind her push toy, and laughs while doing so. I haven't gotten THAT on video yet, but will do so soon :) She babbles a LOT and sounds like she is really learning how to say some things. Dad is trying very hard to teach her to say PAPAW, and we feel like that could very well be her next word. She still says "mamamamama" when she wants something....I often threaten to change my name :)
Thanksgiving was great, we stayed in town and had dinner with my parents (Susan) and Ethan spent the morning in the woods. He has yet to see a deer worth shooting, but we are hoping he'll get his frist deer soon.
We've got a lot going on starting this Friday, both work Christmas parties, Dad & Rocky's birthday's next week, Haley's the next, Christmas the next, then off to NC to see Rocky, Debbie and Elijah.
Well, I think that is about it for now! Hope everyone is enjoying the holiday season so far, and I'll post those videos' for your viewing pleasure! I have a couple from Thanksgiving day to upload tonight, and I'll post them as soon as I can :)
Thursday, November 20, 2008
New things Happening every day
Things are happening every day around here, Haley is growing faster than we can imagine. Watch this video and see her newest "trick"
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Tuckered Out
Haley has learned how to sit up from laying down, and sometimes when she goes to bed, she sits back up to play. Well, I have learned that she has to figure out how to lay down on her own, or she'll just scream when I leave the room. On this night, we had a "battle of the wills" of sorts. She hollared, I let her. Then, she got quiet, so I assumed she was asleep. I went in to check on her before I went to bed, and found her like this.
I guess she got so tired, she just fell over where she was. Poor thing! I did lay her down and she went right back to sleep :) The good news is, it hasn't happened again!

First Haircut!
In this post Haley is 10 months and 25 days old
As you all know, Haley was born with quite a head of hair. What you may not have realized is that all of that baby hair fell out, other than a mowhawk on top of her head. As the new hair started to grow in, the mowhawk got longer, and as a result, we needed to get her haircut!
Below are some pictures from the adventure! She was a great spirit, didn't shed a single tear, and Aunt Toni did a great job!
Monday, November 10, 2008
Belly Laughs
In this post Haley is 10 months and 23 days old:
Tonight, Ethan, Rache & I were sitting around playing with Haley, and trying to keep her entertained. Well, we figured out that she is REALLY tickelish, and got her to laugh like none of us had heard. Thanks to YouTube, we have video again. I'll go back and post the others, but until then, enjoy this one!
Come meet Fluffy
On Sunday, my parents called and told Ethan and I to bring Haley and come meet Fluffy :) Here she is :)
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Long Overdue Updates
Hi everyone! The month of october has been a crazy one, so I haven't done as well as I should about keeping up the blog, but I will try and do better.
Haley, Ethan and I are all doing great Halloween was a special treat, we had our dear friends Sarah, Stuart and Pressley Carothers, along with Sarah's brother Clay up for the weekend. Haley and Pressley had a ball playing together, and we adults always enjoy each other's company!
For Halloween, Haley was dressed as Piglet, which was a big hit! I got her some hot pink Converse Chuck Taylor shoes not too long ago, and they went perfectly with her costume. She wasn't real into trick or treating, but Pressley had a blast. We had fun scaring the kids that were brave enough to come to the house, but as Ethan said, seems the kids are getting younger, so not as many to spook! We had a little gathering at our house Friday, and Rachel & Jason, along with our friends Amy, Sanford & Chole, and Chris & Sarah Jacobs, all came over to join in the festivites! Brad and Meghan Feltenstien and Liza also came by for a minute, but they didn't get to stay long. Oh, and Grammy & Pappaw of course came to wish their favorite Piglet a Happy Halloween!
Saturday, Ole Miss played Auburn, and all the guys went to the game, while Haley, Pressley, Sarah and I relaxed at home. It was good to rest for a little while, and I got to watch the game on TV! AND WE WON! WOO HOO!!!!
Sunday came time for everyone to leave, including Ethan. He has been at the MS Fire Academy since Sunday, and Haley & I miss him bunches! He will be home tomorrow and we can't wait to see him!!! We sure appreciate our friends the Feltenstien's, The Meurrier's and The Burchfields for entertaining us and helping the week to go by faster!
I've included some pictures for you to enjoy! Have a great Thursday!
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Some Pictures for Your Veiwing Pleasure
Here are some pictures from this past weekend :) Haley had a great time at the pumpkin patch, and we had a great visit with Ethan's family for Anne's birthday :)
Big weekend this weekend, expect more pictures to come :)

Haley & Pepaw (Ethan's Dad)
Sunday, October 26, 2008
We've got liftoff!!!
In this post Haley is 10 months 8 days old:
We had a wonderful weekend with Ethan's family. Yesterday was his mom's 29th birthday, not sure how many of those she has had...but we heard that the AARP was accepting her for membership this year :) Didn't know they allowed in 29 year olds!!!
Yesterday, Anne, Paul, Rachel, Jason, Ethan & I all loaded up and went to the Nascar Nationwide Series Race in Memphis. Haley stayed with my parents and was apparently very busy all day! When we got home, we put Haley on the ground, and bam, she was off. She still needs to work on her speed, but she is definately crawling now. Memaw was very excited that Haley decided to crawl on her birthday!
I have lots of pictures that we took, and I'll sort through them tomorrow and post some for your veiwing pleasure :) Until then, enjoy the video!
I think back to when Haley was first born, and can't believe that time flies so fast. She is growing and so much fun, what a life we have ahead :)
Friday, October 24, 2008
Movin...but not quite Groovin :)
In this post Haley is 10 months 6 days old:
We have been saying for quite some time now that Haley would be crawling "any day now". Well, it seems that day is upon us. My mom picked up Haley this afternoon and took her to their house since Ethan was at the Firestation and I had to run to Walmart. When I got there I asked what they'd been doing, and they smiled and replied "watching your daughter crawl"! I was shocked, and excited, and so we put her down, whipped out the camera, and this is what we saw. Be patient, it takes a minute, but there are a few crawling steps in there :) I am sure by this time next week she'll be all over the place. What were we wishing for???
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Update without Photos
Hello everyone. Sorry I don't have any pictures to put up, but the past week and 1/2 have been busy, and seems like we haven't really stopped.
Haley now has 7 teeth, and we are pretty sure about 100 more on the way :) No, seriously, she has cut her bottom left tooth, and we think we have 2 or 3 more right behind that one. If history repeats itself, we can be sure to have lots of other teeth on thier way. She is on total table food now, and very into feeding herself. That is both a blessing and a curse, becuase it can be frustrating to try and get her to eat when she wants to hold the spoon. The dogs are BIG fans though, as they get to clean up the mess :)
I went to Memphis this past weekend to meet some great friends of mine, Barbara, Meg & Tyler. We all 4 had our babies at the same time, and have become great friends as a result. The world wide web is an awesome thing! We had a great time, it was like we had known each other forever. I hate that we all live so far apart, but the good thing is that we have phones and email, and can keep in touch :)
Haley is trying VERY hard to crawl. She is popping up on all fours, but just hasn't quite figured out how to move forward. It gets comical as she gets tired, and will bury her face in the carpet and yell. I hope we get that on video before too long! She does get where she wants to go, be it an army crawl, body drag, or just plain rolling. I imagine she will be off and running before we know what hit us!
Ethan's parents are coming this weekend for Memaw's birthday and we are ALL very excited! They'll be up on Friday, Saturday we are going to a race in Memphis, and Sunday we'll get some good quality time in before they have to go home. We can't wait to spend the weekend with them, and know they'll be amazed at how much Haley has grown!
Hope everyone is doing well, I should have lots of new pictures after this weekend. Thanks for stopping by!
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Fun weekend with the Family!
This past weekend, we had the pleasure of a visit from my brother Rocky, his wife Debbie and their son, Elijah. It was a very much anticipated visit (Debbie had a countdown going at 100 days) and unfortunately it passed two fast!!!
Saturday morning, we got up and all went to breakfast at Emileigh's Table in Taylor, MS. It was good but I reccomend going early if you want a lot of food! We were late and almost missed breakfast. We then toured the Southern Living Idea House and looked around the Taylor Farmers Market. It was really neat, and I FORGOT MY CAMERA!!!
Saturday night, Mom and Dad took the Grandkids, and Ethan, Rocky, Debbie & I all went out to supper. It was so much fun, we got to laugh and joke, and not have to worry about our kids. We are SUCH party animals, we were home in bed by 10!!! Guess we really ARE getting old!
Sunday, we got up and all went to church with Mom and Dad in Olive Branch. Their church has moved into a nice new building and we enjoyed getting to see it and say hello to everyone. After Chruch Dad took us all to a nice resturant in Collierville, and we had a great meal. That evening, everyone came to our house, and Ethan prepared a wonderful meal of Pork, Sweet Potatoes, and grilled asparagus. Needless to say we were stuffed! Mom, Debbie, Ethan and I played dominos, while Rocky & Dad watched a movie. It was good ol family fun! OH I almost forgot, we also made a fire in the fire pit and all got to Roast marshmellows. Elijah thought that was pretty cool!
Yesterday, we decided to kind of take it easy. I went and got Rocky and Elijah and took them to get Elijah' hair cut. He and Haley had their pictures made yesterday afternoon, so they wanted to get him a trim :) We then took Rocky home, got Debbie, and then went to get Haley. I would tell you what we did next, but it is top secret, and so you'll just have to be surprised when other who read this blog are suprised :)
Rocky, Dad & Ethan worked on the house yesterday, and Dad cooked some AWESOME ribs for us to eat last night. I finally remembered that I needed "blog pictures" so I got Dad's camera and took these. We had a great time, it is ALWAYS hard to watch them go home, as we miss them dearly. I am just thankful that we can travel and see one another as often as we do :)
Hope everyone is well, Haley is doing great, growing way too fast, but really getting quite a personality. I think she says mamamamama because last night she was on her belly in the living room and she called out "MAAA MAAA MAAA MAAA" and I went to get her and she stopped. Everyone heard it, so i know that is what she was saying :) Hey, can't hurt to dream :)
Enjoy the photos!
P.S. Don't EVER try and "Move your daughters diaper in case she poops" if she is in the exersaucer. Chances are you are TOO LATE :) Take it from someone who knows :)
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Pulling up & On the mend :)
Haley is feeling MUCH better today, and she spent the day with Grammy! She woke up without a fever at all, and as I type this, she has made her way into the computer room with her walker. Man is she growing too fast! Like a WEED I tell you!!!
Last night, before her bath we had stripped her to her diaper becuase she had food on her clothes. We came in here to work on something, and she was playing at her karoke machine. When we walked back into the living room, this is what we found:

Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Sick Baby
In this post Haley is 9 months and 19 days old:
Well, it has been an interesting few days around our house. Saturday, Rachel kept Haley all day while Ethan and I went to the Ole Miss football game. They had a great time, and she was a complete angel. Then Sunday, she was home with us, and while her overall mood was ok, she was starting to get kind of clingy. Didn't wan't to be left alone. We went over to our friends Amy and Sanford's house, and played with them and Chloe and had chili and had a great time. Well, yesterday morning, we got Haley up and she was burning up. She had a fever, and when Ethan and I looked in her mouth we could see blisters on her throat. Turns out she has a virus called Herpangina. It is blisters in her mouth, and is very common among toddlers and pre toddlers this time of year. There isn't anything we can do, other than give Tylenol and Motrin, and maker her as happy as possible.
She is starting to get better (we hope) and sleeping a lot. We are thankful for her schedule, because even when she hasn't been feeling 100%, she still sleeps like she needs to. I am going to post some videos from Sunday, that should make you smile. On a good note, she apparently had a growth spurt from 9/22 to yesterday. She is now 29.5 inches long and 23 lbs 6 oz. Our big little girl! Hope everyone is well!
Love, Susan
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Dancing Queen
In this post Haley is 9 months & 13 days old:
This past weekend, Ethan and I were in the spare bedroom and he was uploading music to his ipod. Haley, walking around in her walker, came in to check things out. Apparently, she is a fan of rock and roll. Enjoy!
Monday, September 29, 2008
Ethan & the Presidental Debate

Wednesday, September 24, 2008
9 Month Checkup
Hey everyone! I forgot to post on Monday after her appointment, so here is the update :)
Haley weighs 22 lbs 13 oz, is 28 1/2 inches long, and has a head circumference of 48 cm. She is in the top percentiles for everything :)
The doctor was very pleased with her development, and wants us to work on getting her totally onto table food, and off of baby food. So far she has had some roast, potatoes, carrots, purple hull peas, and other finger foods. She is doing fine with it, but we found out yesterday that gassy foods like peas make her mad :) She probably comes by that naturally :)
We are going to continue on the formula, until 11 months, when we'll transition to whole milk. That will make Ethan happy as he misses whole milk, so I guess I'll buy that for him and Haley and buy low fat for myself :)
Haley also got the first part of her flu shot on Monday, and so far so good. Her ears where "beautiful" and that was good news since we just got the bill for her tubes :) Money well spent!
I hope everyone is doing well, Haley says hello and COME VISIT :)
The Peterson Family :)
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Hotty Toddy Grove Day!
Yesterday Ole Miss played Vanderbuilt in their SEC home opener. Although Ole Miss did poorly, Haley definately stole the show in the Grove :) Here are some pictures!