Haley wanted curly hair for the day. I'm sure she will always want hers curly...and Mackensy will beg me to straighten hers...

Before our Church Father Daughter Valentines Banquet

The girls love to "help" Mommy in the Kitchen

Posing this morning, Happy Valentines! Thanks for making my dress Grammy!

Monkey See...Monkey Do! Love these two!!!

Hard to believe we are nearly 1/2 over with the Month of February in 2012! They say time flies when you are having fun...but not sure how to slow it down so we can enjoy the ride!!!
Not a whole lot going on here in good Ol Oxford. Ethan and I have started carpooling to work. It's really worked out well and it's saving us money on gas. Not to mention getting to spend that time together as a family is fun!
The girls are growing ... much faster than I think Ethan nor I are prepared for. Mackensy is saying new words every day, and Haley is smarter than I am! She is learning so much at School. She can spell her name, all of it. She also learned to spell Mackensy, and often asks how to spell other words. She is already sounding things out, and I suspect will be reading before we know it. She loves to show her little sister how to do things...makes her feel like she's helping. Which she is :)
We are gearing up for our big trip to California! Can't wait to get on that jet plane! Haley is probably more excited than any of us though. She asks at least weekly how much longer! Ha!
Well, just wanted to post quickly and share a few pictures. Hope everyone has a wonderful day!
Until next time