Well, it's official, I have become a horrible blogger. I haven't blogged in nearly 5 months, and that is shameful! We've had a LOT going on, so I should have been sharing it! I'll try and catch up without boring everyone with a 20 page post!
Haley is doing GREAT! She celebrated her second birthday on December 18th, and had a great time. We had a party at the county fire station with a bounce house and lots of friends. She had lots of fun, and we were and are very greatful for such great friends! Haley is really such a little girl these days, and hit the 'Twos' with full force! She talks all the time, tells us just about everything that she wants, and is fully potty trained! WOO HOO! We still have our days, but that's part of it.
On December 29th Haley had to have a second set of tubes put in her ears, as well as her adnoids removed. That was hard, on both her and us. It was quite a recovery, but I am proud to say that she and we survived and she is doing great!
One thing that has changed for us is that I left banking and went to work at the University of Mississippi. This has been a GREAT transition, and one that has been great for everyone. Becuase of this I was home when Haley had her surgery, and didn't have to take any time off. I am the Project Coordinator in the Division of Technology Management. In case you, like I was, aren't sure of what this means, check out our website http://www.research.olemiss.edu/cms/technology
Oh, and one more big annoucement...Haley is going to be a BIG SISTER!!!! We are proud to say that in July we will be adding a sweet baby to our family :) We again wont' find out the sex, so you'll have to check back here and HOPE that I get better at updating this thing. I promise to try! Hope everyone is well, and thanks for not totally giving up on us!