Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Yeah yeah yeah

In this post Haley is 1 year, 5 months and 15 days old

Well, I have never claimed to be a really good keeper of a journal, and adding a child into the everyday mix of life has proven that even more. I am sorry, but I do try :)

Haley is doing so much, I want to try and remember it all. She is talking up a STORM. She says Mommy, Daddy, Grammy, Pappaw, MeMaw, PePaw, Rah Rah, JJ, Rock-E, Deb, and something that sort of resembles Elijah :). She knows which dog is which, and loves to lay on the floor with them. Every living animal is a PUP PY! Its pretty funny. She says Please (PEEZ) and Thank you (THANKS) and Yes Mam. All done makes us laugh, and she says a whole bunch of things we aren't sure of.

We had our first big boo boo yesterday. Haley was following me out of the house and fell, busting her upper lip on the concrete of the Garage. Ethan was home THANK GOD, and we both did ok...and Haley was fine after she calmed down. There are pictures for proof :)

We had to go to the doctor today, as she has had a pretty bad nose for a couple of days. Turns out the tube in her right ear is loose, and and coming out, and she had some fluid behind the ear. Please PRAY that even when the tubes come out, we can avoid the chronic ear infections. We started with Nasonex nightly along with here's hoping! :)

I can't think of anything else really exciting. We are gearing up for a hot summer, looking foward to visits from family the next couple of weekends. Ethan's parents come in 2 weeks, and then Rocky Deb & Elijah in 3 :) In August we are going to California to visit our family out there, and then in October our dear friends are getting married in New Orleans :) I am sure Chirstmas will be here in no time!

OH, one more thing! Haley has been sleeping in a toddler bed now for about a month! We transitioned her and she has done so well! Our little girl is growing up way too fast!

Hope everyone is doing well, and I apologize for not doing better keeping this up, but it is hard. Please email any time, or call, and I'll try and upload more pictures.

For now, enjoy the slideshow :)

