Sunday, August 23, 2009
August :)
In this post Haley is 1 year, 8 months, and 5 days old
So I am thinking I'll just start posting once a month....I think I could handle that :) We are doing great! In early August we took a trip to California with my parents to visit Mom's side of the family. We had an AWESOME time, and Haley was the perfect little traveler. Don't get me wrong, she had her moments, but then again so did Ethan and I :) She ejoyed the plan ride, and didn't gripe too much with all the time in the car.
We started our trip with a quick tour of the Hoover Dam. It was really neat, and nice to see since my Great Grandfather helped build it. After that, we stopped at In-N-Out burger, where we all devoured food like we'd never eaten before. That's what happens when you travel west and gain two hours I guess :)
Ethan, Haley and I stayed with my cousin Matt, his wife Leah, and thier 3 kids Joylin, Garrett and Titus. Haley was in HEAVEN and really enjoyed spending time with her cousins. She adjusted beautifuly to the time change, and woke up each morning about 6:15, which was early...but wasn't 5 :) So we were happy :)
We got to visit with a lot of our family out there, and were sad to have to come home. It's funny how much kids change in a week though, when we got back, Haley's sitter commented on how much she'd changed! Funny girl!
New stuff in our world is that Haley is really coming into her own personality. She loves to JUMP and twirl. She's got LOTS of energy, and has her daddy wrapped around her finger! She still loves me, but Ethan is her parent of choice most of the time :) Oh well, bound to happen I guess :) The other morning she got mad at me becuase I told her she couldnt' do something. Well Ethan had left for the day to go to the firestation, and when I got down to try and get her to stop crying, I said "What is wrong?" and her response was "I WANT DA-DDY!" Oh the joys :) Ethan tries to tell me she asks for me when I'm not around, but he smiles when he says it. I think he's just being nice :)
We don't have much going on for a couple of weeks, then life gets revved back up. Oh, well, I take that back. Ethan has a new project, a 1969 VW Beetle. So he'll be working on that for...well...who knows how long :) It's really neat though, I'll put up pictures.
Stuart, Sarah, Pressley & Paige are coming to visit Labor Day weekend, then Rocky Debbie and Elijah are coming to visit in Mid September. We have football season starting, and the wedding of some close friends coming up in October. I think we are going to start potty training in the next couple of weeks, so keep us in your prayers :)
I hope this finds everyone well, and thanks for still reading...even though I am a slacker :)

So I am thinking I'll just start posting once a month....I think I could handle that :) We are doing great! In early August we took a trip to California with my parents to visit Mom's side of the family. We had an AWESOME time, and Haley was the perfect little traveler. Don't get me wrong, she had her moments, but then again so did Ethan and I :) She ejoyed the plan ride, and didn't gripe too much with all the time in the car.
We started our trip with a quick tour of the Hoover Dam. It was really neat, and nice to see since my Great Grandfather helped build it. After that, we stopped at In-N-Out burger, where we all devoured food like we'd never eaten before. That's what happens when you travel west and gain two hours I guess :)
Ethan, Haley and I stayed with my cousin Matt, his wife Leah, and thier 3 kids Joylin, Garrett and Titus. Haley was in HEAVEN and really enjoyed spending time with her cousins. She adjusted beautifuly to the time change, and woke up each morning about 6:15, which was early...but wasn't 5 :) So we were happy :)
We got to visit with a lot of our family out there, and were sad to have to come home. It's funny how much kids change in a week though, when we got back, Haley's sitter commented on how much she'd changed! Funny girl!
New stuff in our world is that Haley is really coming into her own personality. She loves to JUMP and twirl. She's got LOTS of energy, and has her daddy wrapped around her finger! She still loves me, but Ethan is her parent of choice most of the time :) Oh well, bound to happen I guess :) The other morning she got mad at me becuase I told her she couldnt' do something. Well Ethan had left for the day to go to the firestation, and when I got down to try and get her to stop crying, I said "What is wrong?" and her response was "I WANT DA-DDY!" Oh the joys :) Ethan tries to tell me she asks for me when I'm not around, but he smiles when he says it. I think he's just being nice :)
We don't have much going on for a couple of weeks, then life gets revved back up. Oh, well, I take that back. Ethan has a new project, a 1969 VW Beetle. So he'll be working on that for...well...who knows how long :) It's really neat though, I'll put up pictures.
Stuart, Sarah, Pressley & Paige are coming to visit Labor Day weekend, then Rocky Debbie and Elijah are coming to visit in Mid September. We have football season starting, and the wedding of some close friends coming up in October. I think we are going to start potty training in the next couple of weeks, so keep us in your prayers :)
I hope this finds everyone well, and thanks for still reading...even though I am a slacker :)

Wednesday, July 29, 2009
19 Months and Counting....
In this post Haley is 1 year, 7 months and 11 days old:
Hello friends! If you are still checking this blog in hopes that I will someday post an update...this post is for you! I don't have any good excuses, so I won't even try :) It has been 2 months nearly since I have posted, so I have a LOT to cover, I'll do my best to cover it all.
In the month of June, we had some visitors. First, Mi Mi and Pop Pop came up for a weekend to see Haley (and the rest of us) and had a wonderful time. They couldn't believe how much she had grown, and were very sad to leave and go home. They are coming back this weekend to visit, and we can't wait to see them!
Rocky, Debbie and Elijah came to town just in time to celebrate Father's day, as well as my birthday. Rocky and Debbie only stayed for two nights, and forgot to take Elijah when they left :) That was ok though, Mom was expecting it! :) Elijah spent the week here with Grammy & Pappaw, and they took him home on Friday. They stopped in Peidmont and got to see Papa and Jessica, Leon and Tristan. It was a great time and we can't wait to see them again when they come in September, AND they are bringing Debbie's parents!
Haley went to see Dr. Molly on my birthday for her 18 month checkup. Her stats at that time were: 28lbs, 33 inches tall, and a big head :) Her head was 54cm...but the good news is it didn't grow THAT much from last time. She must have a LOT of brains! :)
July has been a pretty busy month. We haven't done anything new or extra exciting, but Haley is changing every day. She loves to color, asks for milk, bows, food, just about anything she wants. She says "yes mam" when asked a question (we'll work on sir later) and when she acts up and gets into trouble, we tell her to go to her room, which she does. It's hard not to giggle. She is such a joy, but I am sure Ethan and I are just starting to pay for our raising :) I am SURE we were both angels growing up :)
We are going to get to go visit our family in Califorina next week, and we can not wait! We are taking Haley, and a bit nervous about flying with her, but hopefully she'll do great!
I don't think I missed anything. I hope everyone is doing well, and I'll try and remember to post when we get back! Love to all!
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Yeah yeah yeah
In this post Haley is 1 year, 5 months and 15 days old
Well, I have never claimed to be a really good keeper of a journal, and adding a child into the everyday mix of life has proven that even more. I am sorry, but I do try :)
Haley is doing so much, I want to try and remember it all. She is talking up a STORM. She says Mommy, Daddy, Grammy, Pappaw, MeMaw, PePaw, Rah Rah, JJ, Rock-E, Deb, and something that sort of resembles Elijah :). She knows which dog is which, and loves to lay on the floor with them. Every living animal is a PUP PY! Its pretty funny. She says Please (PEEZ) and Thank you (THANKS) and Yes Mam. All done makes us laugh, and she says a whole bunch of things we aren't sure of.
We had our first big boo boo yesterday. Haley was following me out of the house and fell, busting her upper lip on the concrete of the Garage. Ethan was home THANK GOD, and we both did ok...and Haley was fine after she calmed down. There are pictures for proof :)
We had to go to the doctor today, as she has had a pretty bad nose for a couple of days. Turns out the tube in her right ear is loose, and and coming out, and she had some fluid behind the ear. Please PRAY that even when the tubes come out, we can avoid the chronic ear infections. We started with Nasonex nightly along with here's hoping! :)
I can't think of anything else really exciting. We are gearing up for a hot summer, looking foward to visits from family the next couple of weekends. Ethan's parents come in 2 weeks, and then Rocky Deb & Elijah in 3 :) In August we are going to California to visit our family out there, and then in October our dear friends are getting married in New Orleans :) I am sure Chirstmas will be here in no time!
OH, one more thing! Haley has been sleeping in a toddler bed now for about a month! We transitioned her and she has done so well! Our little girl is growing up way too fast!
Hope everyone is doing well, and I apologize for not doing better keeping this up, but it is hard. Please email any time, or call, and I'll try and upload more pictures.
For now, enjoy the slideshow :)
Well, I have never claimed to be a really good keeper of a journal, and adding a child into the everyday mix of life has proven that even more. I am sorry, but I do try :)
Haley is doing so much, I want to try and remember it all. She is talking up a STORM. She says Mommy, Daddy, Grammy, Pappaw, MeMaw, PePaw, Rah Rah, JJ, Rock-E, Deb, and something that sort of resembles Elijah :). She knows which dog is which, and loves to lay on the floor with them. Every living animal is a PUP PY! Its pretty funny. She says Please (PEEZ) and Thank you (THANKS) and Yes Mam. All done makes us laugh, and she says a whole bunch of things we aren't sure of.
We had our first big boo boo yesterday. Haley was following me out of the house and fell, busting her upper lip on the concrete of the Garage. Ethan was home THANK GOD, and we both did ok...and Haley was fine after she calmed down. There are pictures for proof :)
We had to go to the doctor today, as she has had a pretty bad nose for a couple of days. Turns out the tube in her right ear is loose, and and coming out, and she had some fluid behind the ear. Please PRAY that even when the tubes come out, we can avoid the chronic ear infections. We started with Nasonex nightly along with here's hoping! :)
I can't think of anything else really exciting. We are gearing up for a hot summer, looking foward to visits from family the next couple of weekends. Ethan's parents come in 2 weeks, and then Rocky Deb & Elijah in 3 :) In August we are going to California to visit our family out there, and then in October our dear friends are getting married in New Orleans :) I am sure Chirstmas will be here in no time!
OH, one more thing! Haley has been sleeping in a toddler bed now for about a month! We transitioned her and she has done so well! Our little girl is growing up way too fast!
Hope everyone is doing well, and I apologize for not doing better keeping this up, but it is hard. Please email any time, or call, and I'll try and upload more pictures.
For now, enjoy the slideshow :)
Sunday, April 26, 2009
We're very busy these days!
In this post Haley is 1 year 4 months and 8 days old:
Well, life gets busier as Haley gets older...maybe because SHE is so busy!
She is doing great, and into everything! She is really starting to talk, words that we can understand. She says "Thank you, Love you, MaMa, DaDa, Cricket, dog, milk, eat, Chloe, Pappaw, PePaw, Rah, bye, Baby, Puppy, Peekaboo" And more I am sure I am forgetting! She is walking, trying to run, and climbing all over everything! Becoming quite the active little one. She LOVES to be outside, and HATES to come inside after being allowed out. She is down to just one nap a day on most days....and COMPLETELY PACIFIER FREE!!!
Ethan and I are doing well too. We just finished something we have both been preparing for for quite a while. The Double Decker 10k. For those of you unfamiliar with running, that is 6.2 miles. We participated with friends of ours, and were part of a group of firemen (though I got to wear a shirt for being a wife) who did our best to run together. Ethan ran with 4 of the firemen, and I was fortunate to have one of them who didn't want to run quite as fast, run with me. Ethan finished the very HILLY course in 57.19 and I finished in 1.08.31. We were both very proud to say we've done it...and won't be signing up again any time soon. I am glad to be running again, and look forward to continuing to run to stay in shape :) Mom and our good friends Amy & Chloe Carson also participated in the event, the Double Decker 5k Walk. They did a great job, and Chloe was quite the sport, falling asleep so her mommy could walk! We had lots of support at the race, Ethan's parents, sister, and Brother in Law, along with my Dad, came out to cheer us on. The pictures of the race are curtosy of Dad! Also, our friends Meredith, Robyn and Kristin also ran in the 10k, and all finished in great times! I have been preparing with Meredith and Robyn, and must say, we've come a long way and I am proud of us all!
Below are a bunch of pictures, in no particular order, for you veiwing pleasure!
Love to all!
Well, life gets busier as Haley gets older...maybe because SHE is so busy!
She is doing great, and into everything! She is really starting to talk, words that we can understand. She says "Thank you, Love you, MaMa, DaDa, Cricket, dog, milk, eat, Chloe, Pappaw, PePaw, Rah, bye, Baby, Puppy, Peekaboo" And more I am sure I am forgetting! She is walking, trying to run, and climbing all over everything! Becoming quite the active little one. She LOVES to be outside, and HATES to come inside after being allowed out. She is down to just one nap a day on most days....and COMPLETELY PACIFIER FREE!!!
Ethan and I are doing well too. We just finished something we have both been preparing for for quite a while. The Double Decker 10k. For those of you unfamiliar with running, that is 6.2 miles. We participated with friends of ours, and were part of a group of firemen (though I got to wear a shirt for being a wife) who did our best to run together. Ethan ran with 4 of the firemen, and I was fortunate to have one of them who didn't want to run quite as fast, run with me. Ethan finished the very HILLY course in 57.19 and I finished in 1.08.31. We were both very proud to say we've done it...and won't be signing up again any time soon. I am glad to be running again, and look forward to continuing to run to stay in shape :) Mom and our good friends Amy & Chloe Carson also participated in the event, the Double Decker 5k Walk. They did a great job, and Chloe was quite the sport, falling asleep so her mommy could walk! We had lots of support at the race, Ethan's parents, sister, and Brother in Law, along with my Dad, came out to cheer us on. The pictures of the race are curtosy of Dad! Also, our friends Meredith, Robyn and Kristin also ran in the 10k, and all finished in great times! I have been preparing with Meredith and Robyn, and must say, we've come a long way and I am proud of us all!
Below are a bunch of pictures, in no particular order, for you veiwing pleasure!
Love to all!
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
We are still around....just busy :)
In this post Haley is 1 year, 3 months, and 13 days old:
Well, I would say that I haven't had time to update the blog, but that wouldn't be the whole truth. My Daddy taught me that you have time for anything, you just have to chose to use the time you have for the things you might not always want to do. So "not having time" is just a bad I apologize!
Things have been busy around the Peterson house. We have had visitors, Memaw came to visit a couple of weekends ago, and we have celebrated birthdays and holidays, and just been plain busy!
Haley is doing WONDERFUL! She is growing each and every day, and really turning into a very independant young lady. She loves to be chased around, and will run away giggling every time! She likes to point, loves to turn on and off lights, and laughs at herself on a regular basis. She LOVES to be outside, and we are so thankful that it is starting to get warm here in the south so we can be outside all the time.
Ethan and I are doing great too. We are both trying really hard to get into shape, and have committed to running in the Double Decker 10k on April 25th. He is running with the fire department and I am running with some girls here in the neighborhood. So far, it looks like Meredith, Robyn, Amy and I will be running together. We are hoping to get a few more of the mommies to join, but if not we will push ourselves through. Meredith and Robyn have been running for about a month now, and Amy and I just jumped on board. I feel it every time I run, I for sure am no longer a "track star" but it is so refreshing to finish strong and know I have done something good for my health.
Today, Meredith and I took Myla & Haley to Holli's Sweet Tooth (a great little candy shoppe here in town) in hopes of having their pictures made with the Easter bunny. We were both nearvous that the girls wouldn't do well. Much to my surprise, Haley LOVED the Easter bunny, and was more than happy to jump in his lap. Myla on the other hand, wanted NOTHING to do with him. Maybe next year!
Well, I think that is about all. I have included a bunch of pictures, and will put captions so y'all know what we were doing when. I will try very hard to do better, and keep y'all updated on our running progress. One day at a foot in front of the other! Take care!
Haley in the Easter bunny's lap
Monday, March 9, 2009
Park pictures and first ice cream cone...
In this post Haley is 1 year, 2 months, and 19 days old:
As I said before, we took Haley on Saturday to Avent park to play and then we went to Holli's sweet tooth, where Haley had her first ice cream cone. As you can tell it didn't take her long to catch on.
She loved the slide at the park, learned very quickly how to go down on her own. We are loving the nice weather, and hoping it is here to stay!
Enjoy the photos!

As I said before, we took Haley on Saturday to Avent park to play and then we went to Holli's sweet tooth, where Haley had her first ice cream cone. As you can tell it didn't take her long to catch on.
She loved the slide at the park, learned very quickly how to go down on her own. We are loving the nice weather, and hoping it is here to stay!
Enjoy the photos!

Just another day at the park
In this post Haley is 1 year, 2 months and 19 days old:
We took Haley to the park on Saturday, and as you'll see in these video's she had a WONDERFUL time :)
We are all doing great, enjoy the videos! Going to the doctor on Wednesday for her 15 month check up....hard to believe it's time for that already! I'll be sure an post her "stats"
We took Haley to the park on Saturday, and as you'll see in these video's she had a WONDERFUL time :)
We are all doing great, enjoy the videos! Going to the doctor on Wednesday for her 15 month check up....hard to believe it's time for that already! I'll be sure an post her "stats"
Sunday, March 1, 2009
This and That....
In this post Haley is 1 year, 2 months and 11 days old:
Well, life is busy these days, and only seems to get busier, which is why I have been negecting our blog, and subsequently leaving y'all in the dark I guess. Sorry, I'll try and do better!
We are great, haley is growing SO fast, and we can't believe how much she has changed just since Christmas! She is walking ALL OVER THE PLACE now, and into everything! She keeps us laughing, and is really starting to become a little lady! She says, Thank you to everything (it also seems to be her form of please" and has gotten to a point where she is starting to test us. We won't tell her, but it's kinda funny to watch her test her limits :) She'll learn!
Ethan and I are doing great as well. Just working and enjoying our little girl. We got a Wii not too long ago, and have had a lot of fun playing it. Like big kids I guess! :)
Well, I know this is short, but I posted A LOT of pictures for your veiwing pleasure, and will be posting some video as soon as I get it uploaded!
Gotta go help Daddy with a real stinker!
Well, life is busy these days, and only seems to get busier, which is why I have been negecting our blog, and subsequently leaving y'all in the dark I guess. Sorry, I'll try and do better!
We are great, haley is growing SO fast, and we can't believe how much she has changed just since Christmas! She is walking ALL OVER THE PLACE now, and into everything! She keeps us laughing, and is really starting to become a little lady! She says, Thank you to everything (it also seems to be her form of please" and has gotten to a point where she is starting to test us. We won't tell her, but it's kinda funny to watch her test her limits :) She'll learn!
Ethan and I are doing great as well. Just working and enjoying our little girl. We got a Wii not too long ago, and have had a lot of fun playing it. Like big kids I guess! :)
Well, I know this is short, but I posted A LOT of pictures for your veiwing pleasure, and will be posting some video as soon as I get it uploaded!
Gotta go help Daddy with a real stinker!
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
So I'm Behind....WAY behind...
In this post Haley is 1 year and 2 months old:
Well, saying that I have been a slacker is an understatement these days. I apoligize to those of you who don't get to see Haley often for not doing a better job. Maybe this month will be a better one :)
We have had a crazy past couple of weeks. First, Haley finally started walking, A LOT. She walks just about everywhere and is into everything :) It's great :) Last Sunday (2/8) Ethan left for the State Fire Academy for a week. We had great plans, he rode down with the guys from the station, and Haley and I would pick him up when I got off work on Thursday and we'd head down to the coast to see our best friends, Stuart and Sarah, and their two girls, Pressley (2 1/2) and Paige (3 weeks old). WELL, Ethan left, and I started to get sick. It came on like a ton of bricks, and by the time he called to tell me he was there....I sounded like a frog! Of course, just my luck. Well, I was determined I wasn't getting sick, but it didn't work. I went to the doctor on Monday, then tried to go to work (even though the doctor advised against it) and was home by that afternoon. Rachel, my sweet sister in law, went and picked up Haley that night to keep her away from the crud....but it didn't work. She brought her back to me Tuesday morning, and we both were sick. Long story short, we ended up staying home Tuesday and Wednesday and Thursday before going to get Ethan Thursday Evening. We finally started to feel better some time on Wednesday I think. Rest does a lot!
We got to the coast and had a WONDERFUL time! It was so great to see the Carothers family, AND Ethan's dad was in town from Tennessee, and Rachel and Jason came down, so we got to hang out with the family too! It really was an AWESOME trip, and everyone had a wonderful time!
Haley is growing and changing every day. Her favorite things these days include necklaces and her firetruck. Also, she is quite polite...she says "Thank You" when you hand her something, or she hands you something LOL. Of course, it doesn't sound quite like you and I would say it LOL. Fun stuff.
Well, enjoy the pictures below, and I'll try and get back on the blogging wagon :)
Well, saying that I have been a slacker is an understatement these days. I apoligize to those of you who don't get to see Haley often for not doing a better job. Maybe this month will be a better one :)
We have had a crazy past couple of weeks. First, Haley finally started walking, A LOT. She walks just about everywhere and is into everything :) It's great :) Last Sunday (2/8) Ethan left for the State Fire Academy for a week. We had great plans, he rode down with the guys from the station, and Haley and I would pick him up when I got off work on Thursday and we'd head down to the coast to see our best friends, Stuart and Sarah, and their two girls, Pressley (2 1/2) and Paige (3 weeks old). WELL, Ethan left, and I started to get sick. It came on like a ton of bricks, and by the time he called to tell me he was there....I sounded like a frog! Of course, just my luck. Well, I was determined I wasn't getting sick, but it didn't work. I went to the doctor on Monday, then tried to go to work (even though the doctor advised against it) and was home by that afternoon. Rachel, my sweet sister in law, went and picked up Haley that night to keep her away from the crud....but it didn't work. She brought her back to me Tuesday morning, and we both were sick. Long story short, we ended up staying home Tuesday and Wednesday and Thursday before going to get Ethan Thursday Evening. We finally started to feel better some time on Wednesday I think. Rest does a lot!
We got to the coast and had a WONDERFUL time! It was so great to see the Carothers family, AND Ethan's dad was in town from Tennessee, and Rachel and Jason came down, so we got to hang out with the family too! It really was an AWESOME trip, and everyone had a wonderful time!
Haley is growing and changing every day. Her favorite things these days include necklaces and her firetruck. Also, she is quite polite...she says "Thank You" when you hand her something, or she hands you something LOL. Of course, it doesn't sound quite like you and I would say it LOL. Fun stuff.
Well, enjoy the pictures below, and I'll try and get back on the blogging wagon :)
Sweet Baby Paige Barrett Carothers
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Fun before bed
In this post Haley is 1 year 1 month and 14 days old:
One of Haley's happiest times is right before bed. We get her out of the bath, get her dressed, and let her play a few minutes before bed. Thursday night we snapped a few pictures before we put her down, and you can see how excited she gets when she plays :)

She is really growing and changing every day. She is fully capable of walking, and does so often, but she knows she can get somewhere faster crawling, so she drops down to a crawl most times :) She's talking, though we're not always sure of what she is saying, though "dat" seems to be a favorite. She is a true joy, and we are so thankful to have her in our lives :)
One of Haley's happiest times is right before bed. We get her out of the bath, get her dressed, and let her play a few minutes before bed. Thursday night we snapped a few pictures before we put her down, and you can see how excited she gets when she plays :)

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