Things are happening every day around here, Haley is growing faster than we can imagine. Watch this video and see her newest "trick"
Things are happening every day around here, Haley is growing faster than we can imagine. Watch this video and see her newest "trick"
In this post Haley is 10 months and 25 days old
As you all know, Haley was born with quite a head of hair. What you may not have realized is that all of that baby hair fell out, other than a mowhawk on top of her head. As the new hair started to grow in, the mowhawk got longer, and as a result, we needed to get her haircut!
Below are some pictures from the adventure! She was a great spirit, didn't shed a single tear, and Aunt Toni did a great job!
In this post Haley is 10 months and 23 days old:
Tonight, Ethan, Rache & I were sitting around playing with Haley, and trying to keep her entertained. Well, we figured out that she is REALLY tickelish, and got her to laugh like none of us had heard. Thanks to YouTube, we have video again. I'll go back and post the others, but until then, enjoy this one!
On Sunday, my parents called and told Ethan and I to bring Haley and come meet Fluffy :) Here she is :)